The Department of General and Historical Geology and Palaeontology

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The Department of General and Historical Geology and Palaeontology of the Faculty of Geology is the main structural division and one of the leaders in the field of vocational training due to the high standards of student education in accordance with the labour market conditions, contemporary trends in technology development, through offering innovative educational programmes to ensure full implementation of scientific and pedagogical employees’ potential.

The Department guarantees high-quality education and supplies the labour market with highly skilled and competitive specialists and implements scientific research, which becomes the basis for educational programmes improvement. It provides a programme of continuous professional development based on the integration of education, scientific research and innovation, develops partnerships with the world’s leading educational establishments and scientific institutions, and creates conditions for mobility of students and teachers.

The Department of General and Historical Geology and Palaeontology performs educational, methodological and scientific activities, delivers lectures, laboratory and practical classes; educational, training and production practices, scientific research of General, Regional, Historical, Quaternary and Structural Geology, Tectonics, Stratigraphy, Palaeontology, Biostratigraphy, Petroleum and Coal Geology, and others.

The scientific-pedagogical basis of the Department is formed by employees of the Faculty (7) and the supporting staff (2), together with structural subdivisions – Laboratory of stratigraphic research, geological map, space aero methods (2) and Paleontological Museum (2).


завідувачAntonina IVANINAзавідувач
ДоцентLarysa HENERALOVAДоцент
ДоцентHalyna HOTSANYUKДоцент
ДоцентLeonid KHOMYAKДоцент
ДоцентIhor SHAYNOHAДоцент
АсистентMilena BOHDANOVAАсистент
завідувачYaryna TUZYAKзавідувач
Старший лаборантTetiana DOBROSKOKСтарший лаборант
Аспірант, Лаборант (сумісник)Tetiana SMETANIUKАспірант, Лаборант (сумісник)