Посада: Доцент, The Department of General and Historical Geology and Palaeontology
Науковий ступінь: кандидат геолого-мінералогічних наук
Вчене звання: доцент
Телефон (робочий): (032) 239-47-83
Електронна пошта:
Профіль у Scopus:
Профіль у Web of Science (Publons):
Профіль у independent.academia
Профіль у ResearchGate:
Наукові інтереси
- regional geology;
- geodynamic reconstructions
- geotectonics
More than 150 scientific and educational publications, including
Methodical works
- Sivoronov A.O. Field geological practices: textbook. manual. / A.O. Sivoronov, L.V. Heneralova, T.S . Dvorzhak. – Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2012. – 226 p.
- Guidelines for laboratory classes in the courses “Analysis of petrochemical data” and “Geodynamic reconstructions”. Part 1. V.B. Stepanov, L.V. Heneralova, T.S . Dvorzhak – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2013. – 44 p.
- Guidelines for laboratory classes in the courses “Analysis of petrochemical data” and “Geodynamic reconstructions”. Petrochemical coefficients, indices, modules, parameters. Part 2. V.B. Stepanov, L.V. Heneralova, T.S . Dvorzhak – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2014. – 32 p.
- Guidelines for laboratory classes in the course “General Geology”. Part 1. L.V. Heneralova, T.S . Dvorzhak – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2015. – 48 p.
- Hnylko O. An Oligocene olistostrome with exotic clasts in the Silesian Nappe (Outer Ukrainian Carpathians, Uzh River Basin) / O. Hnylko, S. Hnylko, L. Heneralova, M. Tsar // Geological Quarterly. – 2021. – 65(47). – P. 1–18. DOI:
- Heneralova L. V. Serpentines as the indicators of geodynamic conditions of mesozoic peridotites metamorphic transformations in the Marmarosh rocky zone (Inner Ukrainian Carpathians) / L. Heneralova, V. B. Stepanov, N. T. Bilyk., Ye. М. Slyvko // Geodynamics. – 2019.– № 2 (27). – Р. 39–47.
- Hryniewicz K. Taphonomy and palaeoecology of deep-water chemosymbiotic bivalves from the Eocene of Outer Eastern Carpathians, Ukraine / K. Hryniewicz, S. Bakayeva, L. Heneralova, Hnylko, R. G. Jenkins, A. Kaim // Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. – 2020. – V. 553. – P. 1 –11.
- Waskowska A. Rocky forms in Yamna Sandstone (Skyba nappe, Outer Carpathians, Ukraine) / A. Waskowska, S. Hnylko, S. Bakaeva, J. Golonka, T. Slomka, L. Heneralova // Geoturism. – 2019. – V. 56–57 (1–2). – P. 43–60. Режим доступу: –
- Pavlun M.M. A significant contribution to the understanding of the historical and geological formation of the geotectonic structure of the Transcarpathian depression / M.M. Pavlun, L.V. Heneralova // Geological Journal. – 2019. – V. 3. – P.78–85.
- Pavlun M.M. Сlassical identification of causal-consequential relationships of applied geological surveys and the latest scientific ideologemes (in memory of Vitaly Opanasovych Vashchenko) / M. Pavlun, L. V. Heneralova // Geological Journal. – 2020.– V. 3. – P.81–91.
- Heneralova L. V. Serpentines – indicators of metamorphic and geodinamic transformations of mesozoic peridotites of the internal Ukrainian Carpathians / L. Heneralova, V. B. Stepanov, N. T. Bilyk., Ye. М. Slyvko // Collection of scientific works “Visnyk of Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazina. Geology – Geography – Ecology Series. – 2019.– № 27. – Р. 52–66. DOI:
- Heneralova L. Composition and origin of iron-manganese mineralization from the Grebenivets stream (Skibovy nappe, Ukrainian Carpathians) / L. Heneralova, L. Khomyak, O. Kostyuk // Problems of Phanerozoic geology of Ukraine: a collection of scientific works in 2 parts head ed. Y. Leschuh and Yu. Z. Krupskiy [Electronic resource] // Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. – 2021. – Part 2. – P. 23–30.
- Heneralova L. Tempestity of the Neogene in the vicinity of Lviv / L. Heneralova, L. Khomyak, O. Dvorzhak, T. Dvorzhak // Problems of Phanerozoic geology of Ukraine: a collection of scientific works in 2 parts head ed. Y. Leschuh and Yu. Z. Krupskiy [Electronic resource] // Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. – 2021. – Part 2. – P. 23–30.
- Heneralova L. Storm bedsets of the baden sea in the section of the mountain Kortumovoyi (Roztochchya) / L. Heneralova, L. Khomyak// Visnyk of Lviv University. Series Geology. – 2019. – V. 33.– P. 3–19.
- Hnutenko H. Geological research the Tajica group of the Central Asia expedition of the Lviv state university / H.Hnutenko, L. Heneralova // Visnyk of Lviv University. Series Geology. – 2019. – V. 33.– P. 20–34.
- Hnylko O. Late Carboniferous olistostrome at the front of Southern Tian Shan nappes (Kadamzhai and Khaidarkan deposits, Kyrgyzstan) / O. Hnylko, I. Tsukornyk, L. Heneralova, O. Dvorzhak // Geological Quarterly. – 2019. – 63 (2). – P.407–427. Doi:
- Heneralova L. Middle–upper Eocene olistostrome r. Tyshivnytsya (Skyba nappe, Ukrainian Carpathians) / L. Heneralova, L. Khomyak // Visnyk of Lviv University. Series Geology. – 2018. – V. 32. – P. 13–29.
- Generalova Upper Cretaceous-Lower Paleocene lithodynamic types of the development of deepwater systems (Skyba nappe, Ukrainian Carpathians) / L. Generalova1 , O. Gnylko , V. Padlyak, O.Solonchuk // Visnyk of Lviv University. Series Geology. – 2017. – V. 31. – P. 79–94.
- Vashchenko V. Geological resources of tourism of natural complex of dolina r. Kamyanka (Ukrainian Carpathians) – geopark “Kamiyanka”/ V. Vashchenko, I.Turchynov, L. Heneralova // Visnyk of Lviv University. Series Geology. – 2017. – V. 31. – P. 130–159
- Pavlun M.M. Grebenivskiy educational ground of geological mapping (Ukrainian Carpathians) /M.Pavlun, L.V. Heneralova// Visnyk of Lviv University. Series Geology. – 2016. – V. 30. – P. 31–50.
- Bilyk N.T.Mineralogical and geodynamical conditions of formation of peridotites on ophiolites of Marmarosh Cliff Zone (Ukrainian Carpathian) / N.T. Bilyk, L.V. Generalova, G. Yatsenko, V.B. Stepanov// Geodynamics. – 2016.– № 2 (21). – Р. 71–83. Режим доступу: –https://doi:10.23939/jgd2016.02.071
- Hnylko M. Formation of the structure of the Klippen Zones and the Interklippen Flysch of Inner Ukrainian Carpathians — result of convergence and collision of microcontinental terranes// O. M. Hnylko, S.R. Hnylko, L. V. Generalova //Visnyk of the University of Saint Petersburg – 2015 – Ser. 7. – V. 2 – 4–24.
- HnylkoM. Tectonic-sedimentary evolution of the southwestern part of the Ukrainian flysch Carpathians / O. M. Hnylko, L. V. Heneralova // Naykovyi Visnyk NHU – 2015. – N 2. – P.5–13.
- Gеnеrаlоvа L. Mineralagical-petrochemical features the rocks of the eogene variegated layers of the Ukrainian Carpathians (on an example Sushmanetchky and Majavsky Formations) / L. Gеnеrаlоvа, V. Stеpаnоv// Visnyk of Lviv University. Series Geology. – 2015. – V. 29. – P. 107–116.
- HnylkoM. Tectonic-sedimentary evolution of the Fore-Marmarosh accretionary prism of the Ukrainian Flysch Carpathians // O. M. Hnylko, L. V. Generalova //Visnyk of the University of Saint Petersburg – 2014 – Ser. 7. – V. 2 – 5–23.
- Sivoronov A., Pavlun M. Bilonizhka P., Generalova L. The second education geological practice in Crimea – the important stage in traning of geological personnels (the 60 th anniversary of the Creimean practice)/A. Sivoronov, M. Pavlun, P. Bilonizhka , L. Generalova // Visnyk of Lviv University. Series Geology. – 2014. – V. 28. – P. 179–194
1953 was born in Lviv.
2019 – research internship at the Adyshev Institute of Geology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic (Bishkek) under the leadership of Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences V.V. Kiselyov
2014 – scientific internship at the Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Lviv) under the guidance of Candidate of Geological Sciences, Senior Researcher O.M. Hnylko
2010 – scientific internship in the Lviv branch of Ukr DGRI (Lviv) under the leadership of Doctor of Geological Sciences, head of the sector of ore and non-ore minerals Yu. I. Fedorishin
2008 – receiving the academic title of associate professor
2005 – scientific internship at the Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Lviv) under the guidance of Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher Z.M. Lyashkevich
2004 – presentation of the candidate’s dissertation “Paleozoic volcanic formations of South-Eastern Fergana” by specialty “general and regional geology”
1999 – scientific internship at the Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Lviv) under the guidance of Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Leading Researcher Z.M. Lyashkevych
1970–1975 – studied at the Faculty of Geology of Lviv State University named after I. Franko, by specialty “geological survey and prospecting of mineral deposits”
1970 – graduated from secondary school №35 in Lviv
1991 – currently –senior lecturer, Assistant Professor of Department of General Geology, since 2020 – Department of General and Historical Geology and Paleontology Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
1979–1991 – engineer, junior researcher of the research sector of Lviv State University named after I. Franko
1976–1979 – geologist of the South Kyrgyz interregional complex geological expedition (Osh, Kyrgyzstan)
1975–1976 – senior technician-geologist of the Lviv Geological Expedition of the trust “Kyivgeologiya”
Методичні матеріали
- Geology with the basics of geomorphology
- Structural geology
- Ocean geology
- Geological mapping
- Geotectonics
- European geology
- Structural analysis
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