The Department of Mineral Geology and Geophysics

  • Про кафедру
  • Співробітники
  • Методичні матеріали

The Department of Mineral Geology and Geophysics was established on January 1, 2020, as a result of the merger of the Department of Mineral Geology (the photo of the department, 2021) and the Department of Geophysics (the photo of the department, 2018). The Department has a functioning museum of ore formation and the laboratory of geoinformatics and computer simulation.

The Department of Mineral Geology and Geophysics is one of the basic structural subunits of the University’s Faculty of Geology. It carries out academic, educational, methodological and scientific activities. The Department provides lectures, practical classes, educational, field research and occupational internships for Bachelor and Master students of the 103 Earth Sciences specialty.

The main subjects, which are taught by the Department’s lecturers:

-the basiс Earth’s physics

-applied geophysics

– computer science with basic geoinformatics

– mathematical statistics and processing of geoinformation

– the theory of ore genesis

– geology of mineral deposits

– search and exploration of mineral deposits

– geological surveys

– the structures of ore fields

– thermodynamics of natural processes

– metallogeny

The main directions of scientific research of the Department:

  • study of geology and metallogeny of Ukraine from geological and thermobarogeochemical researches;
  • study of Precambrian metamorphic and ultra-metamorphic rock complexes from formative analysis;
  • preparation of the Formation Maps of the Ukrainian Shield;
  • geology, metallogeny and thermobarogeochemistry of post-magmatic ore formations (in the course of the thermobarogeochemical school prof. M.P. Yermakova);
  • geology and metallogeny of the Precambrian formations;
  • geology and metallogeny of diamonds and gold;
  • study of the physical fields of the Earth;
  • modeling of geological processes;
  • use of geoinformation technologies in geophysics.


ПрофесорMykola PAVLUNПрофесор
ДоцентVitaliy FURMANДоцент
ДоцентOleh HAYOVSKYYДоцент
ДоцентIhor HUBYCHДоцент
ДоцентMykola KHOMYAKДоцент
Доцент (сумісник)Serhii TSIKHONДоцент (сумісник)
ДоцентYuriy VIKHOTДоцент
АсистентYuriy DATSYUKАсистент
АсистентOleksandr SHVAYEVSKYYАсистент
Аспірант, Інженер 1 категорії (сумісник)Ulyana LUSHCHAKАспірант, Інженер 1 категорії (сумісник)

Методичні матеріали

Methodical materials of the Department of Mineral Geology and Geophysics


  1. Mineraly Ukrainskykh Karpat. Protsesy mineraloutvorennia / O.Matkovskyi, P.Bilonizhka, D.Vozniak, V.Diakiv, M.Kovalchuk, I.Naumko, I.Popp, V.Semenenko, L.Skakun, Ye.Slyvko, N.Slovotenko, V.Stepanov, S. Tsikhon, S.Kril, za red. O.I. Matkovskoho. – Lviv: Vydavnychyi tsentr LNU im. Ivana Franka, 2014. – 583 s. Minerals of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Processes of mineral formation / A.Matkovskyi, P.Bilonizhka, D.Vozniak, V.Diakiv, M.Kovalchuk, I.Naumko, I.Popp, V.Semenenko, L. O.I. Matkovsky. – Lviv: Publishing Center of  LNU of  Ivan Franko. 2014. – 583 p.
  1. Kutas R., Nakapelukh M., Starostenko V, Hintov O., Murovska A., Bubniak I., Vikhot Yu., Shlapinskyi V., 2018. Geodynamics of Alpine frame of the south-western margin of the East European plate / Ukrainian Carpathians. P. 166-202. In the book: Essays of Ukraine’s geodynamics. Publisher: Institute of Geophysics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (in Russian) Kutas R., Nakapelukh M., Starostenko V, Hintov O., Murovska O., Bubniak I., Vikot Yu., Shlapinskyi V., 2018. Heodynamika alpiiskoho karkasu pivdenno-zakhidnoi okolytsi Skhidnoievropeiskoi plyty / Ukrainski Karpaty. S. 166-202. U knyzi: Ese z heodynamiky Ukrainy. Vydavnytstvo: Instytut heofizyky Natsionalnoi akademii nauk Ukrainy (in Russian).


  1. Liakhov Yu.V., Pavlun M.M., Tsikhon S.I. Heolohiia korysnykh kopalyn. Ch.1. Rudohenez // Pidruchnyk. 2012. – 286 s./ Liakhov Yu.V., Pavlun M.M., Tsikhon S.I. Geology of minerals. Pt. 1. Ore genesis// Textbook. 2012. – 286 p.
  2. Lunov H.O., Pavlun M.M. Rozshuky i rozvidka rodovyshch korysnykh kopalyn (ch.1)/Lunov H.O., Pavlun M.M.Search and exploration of mineral deposits (pt.1)
  3. Lunov H.O., Pavlun M.M. Rozshuky i rozvidka rodovyshch korysnykh kopalyn (ch.2)/ Lunov H.O., Pavlun M.M. Search and exploration of mineral deposits (pt.2)


  1. Furman V. V. Osnovy heofizyky (fizyka Zemli): navchalnyi posibnyk z praktykumu dlia studentiv heolohichnoho fakultetu LNU imeni Ivana Franka / V.V. Furman, Yu.M. Vikhot, O.M. Pavliuk. – Lviv: Lvivskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni Ivana Franka, 2016. – 104 s./ Furman V. V. Fundamentals of Geophysics (Earth Physics): a textbook on workshops for students of the Faculty of Geology of Ivan Franko Lviv National University/ V.V. Furman, Yu.M. Vikhot, O.M. Pavliuk. – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2016. – 104 p.
  2. Furman V. V. Osnovy heofizyky (fizyka heolohichnykh seredovyshch): navchalnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv LNU imeni Ivana Franka / V. V. Furman, Yu. M. Vikhot, O. M. Pavliuk. – Lviv : LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2017. – 104 s./ Furman V. V. Fundamentals of Geophysics (Physics of Geological Environments): a textbook for students of Ivan Franko Lviv National University/ V.V. Furman, Yu.M. Vikhot, O.M. Pavliuk. – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2017. – 104 p.
  3. Vikhot Yu.M. Komp’iuterna hrafika u naukakh pro Zemliu: navchalnyi posibnyk / Yu.M. Vikhot, I.M. Bubniak, S.Ya. Kril, V.V. Furman. – Lviv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2019. – 104 s./ Vikhot Yu.M. Computer graphics in the Earth sciences: a textbook / Yu.M. Vikhot, I.M. Bubniak, S.Ya. Kril, V.V. Furman. – Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2019. – 104 p.
  4. Vikhot Yu.M. Komp’iuterna hrafika u heolohii ta naukakh pro Zemliu: elektronnyi navchalnyi posibnyk [Elektronnyi resurs] / Yu.M. Vikhot, I.M. Bubniak, S.Ya. Kril, V.V. Furman. – 2019. Rezhym dostupu: Vikhot Yu.M. Computer graphics in geology and earth sciences: e-textbook [Electronic resource]/ Yu.M. Vikhot, I.M. Bubniak, S.Ya. Kril, V.V. Furman. – 2019. Access mode:

Methodical materials

  1. Liakhov Yu.V., Pavlun M.M., Shvaievskyi O.V. Kryterii prohnoznoi otsinky rudonosnykh terytorii/ Liakhov Yu.V., Pavlun M.M., Shvaievskyi O.V. Forecast assessment criteria of ore-bearing areas
  2. Liakhov Yu.V., Pavlun M.M. Metody rozshukiv i rozvidky rodovyshch korysnykh kopalyn/ Liakhov Yu.V., Pavlun M.M. Search and exploration methods of mineral deposits
  3. Pavlun M.M., Yatsenko H.M., Shvaievskyi O.V. Mineralno-syrovynna baza Ukrainy/Pavlun M.M., Yatsenko H.M., Shvaievskyi O.V. Mineral resource base of Ukraine
  4. Liakhov Yu.V., Pavlun M.M., Shvaievskyi O.V. Heoloho-henetychni typy zolotorudnykh poliv/Liakhov Yu.V., Pavlun M.M., Shvaievskyi O.V. Geological and genetic types of gold ore fields
  5. Liakhov Yu.V., Pavlun M.M. Heolohiia korysnykh kopalyn/Liakhov Yu.V., Pavlun M.M. Geology of minerals
  6. Vikhot Yu.M. Metody heofizychnykh doslidzhen v heolohii/Vikhot Yu.M. Methods of geophysical research in geology
  7. Vikhot Yu.M. Heolohichna interpretatsiia heofizychnykh danykh/Vikhot Yu.M. Geological interpretation of geophysical data
  8. Vikhot Yu.M. Heoinformatsiini tekhnolohii v heolohii/Vikhot Yu.M. Geoinformation technologies in geology
  9. Furman V.V., Vikhot Yu.M. Meteorolohiia ta klimatolohiia/Furman V.V., Vikhot Yu.M. Meteorology and climatology