Yevheniia SLYVKO
Посада: Доцент, Department of Environmental and Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology
Науковий ступінь: кандидат геолого-мінералогічних наук
Вчене звання: доцент
Електронна пошта:
Наукові інтереси
Ecological geology, protection of the geological environment. Accessory minerals. Minerageny of gold and diamond.
1) Matkovskyi, O., Naumko, I., Pavlun, M., & Slyvko, Ye. (2021). Thermobarogeochemistry in Ukraine. Lviv: Prostir-M. (in Ukrainian)
Articles in professional journals
1) Kytsmur, I., Dyakiv, V., & Slyvko Ye. (2015). The influence of sorption-crystallization and sorption geochemical barriers on the formation of chemical composition of water in the technogenesis zone of Kalush-Holyn potassium salts deposit. Modern Science (Moderni věda), 5, 151–162.
2) Matkovskyi, O. I., & Slyvko, Ye. M. (2015). Mineralogical features of conglomerates from Bilokorovytska structure (the North-Western part of the Ukrainian shield). Proceedings of the Ukrainian Mineralogical Society, 12, 23–53. (in Ukrainian)
3) Matkovskyi O., & Slyvko, Ye. (2016). On the status of implementation of planned and started by Yevhen Lazarenko scientific works on mineralogy of Ukraine and the Carpathian-Balkan mountain system. Mineralogical Review, 66 (1), 3–15.
4) Slyvko Ye., & Razumieieva, N. (2017). Fractional structure and mineralogical features of psephytic deposits – potential reservoirs of diamond in the north-western part of the Ukrainian shield. Part 1. Prypiatska area. Mineralogical Review, 67 (1), 66–73.
5) Slyvko Ye., Razumieieva, N., & Bura, O. (2017). Fractional structure and mineralogical features of psephytic deposits – potential reservoirs of diamond in the north-western part of the Ukrainian shield. Part 2. Usivska area. Mineralogical Review, 67 (2), 38–47.
6) Heneralova, L., Stepanov, V., Bilyk, N., & Slyvko, Ye. (2019). Serpentines as the indicators of geodynamic conditions of Mesozoic peridotites metamorphic transformations in the Marmarosh rocky zone (Inner Ukrainian Carpathians). Geodynamics, 2 (27), 39–47.
7) Haiovskyi, O. V., Bekesha, S. M., Slyvko, Ye. M., & Yatsenko, H. M. (2019). Geology and lithological and structural conditions of brecciated rocks localization of the central part of the Ukrainian Shield (as an example of the Hruzske field of pipe-like bodies). Geophysical Journal, 41 (6), 93–110. (in Ukrainian)
8) Heneralova, L. V., Stepanov, V. B., Bilyk, N. T., & Slyvko, Ye. M. (2019). Serpentines as the indicators of metamorphic and geodynamic transformations of Mesozoic peridotites of the Internal Ukrainian Carpathians. Visnyk of the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Ser. Geology, Geography, Ecology, 51, 52–66. (in Ukrainian)
9) Slyvko Ye. (2019). Fractional structure and mineralogical features of psephytic deposits – potential reservoirs of diamond in the north-western part of the Ukrainian shield. Part 3. Pivdenno-Zakhidna (Ovrutska) and Mizhrichynska areas. Mineralogical Review, 69 (1–2), 46–59.
10) Matkovskyi O., Pavlun, M. & Slyvko, Ye. (2020). The brightest pages of the 75-year history of the Faculty of Geology of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Mineralogical Review, 70 (1–2), 5–23. (in Ukrainian)
11) Bilyk, N., Poberezhska, I., & Slyvkо Ye. (2020). Peculiarities of X-ray luminescence of apatite from carbonatites and possibilities of their use for search purposes. Mineralogical Review, 70 (1–2), 24–31.
12) Matkovskyi O., & Slyvko, Ye. (2021). Academician Yevhen Lazarenko Scientific Readings and their contribution to the development of modern mineralogy. Mineralogical Review, 71, 3–27. (in Ukrainian)
13) Poberezhska, I., Bilyk, N., Slyvko, Ye., Buchynska, A., & Shevchuk, A. (2021). Petrological features of acid plutonic rocks of the Osnytskyi complex (Volynskyi megablock of the Ukrainian Shield. Mineralogical Review, 71, 28–46.
Yevheniia Slyvko was born on October 31, 1955 in Lviv. In 1978 she graduated with honours from the Faculty of Geology of Ivan Franko State University of Lviv (specialty “Geochemistry”) and received received the qualification of “geological engineer”.
From 1978 to 1981 – engineer, junior researcher of the Research Department of the Faculty of Geology; 1981–1984 – graduate student of the Department of Mineralogy (supervisor – Professor Orest Matkovskyi); 1984–1994 – senior researcher of Branch Research Laboratory of Studying the Material Composition of Ore-Bearing Formations (BRL); 1994–2000 – head of the BRL; 2000–2002 – Assistant, Associate Professor of the Department of Mineralogy; 2002–2004 – head of the Laboratory of X-ray Structural Analysis; from September 2004 to the present – Associate Professor of the Department of Ecological and Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology.
Co-author of six scientific monographs and one textbook, author and co-author of over 100 scientific articles, 75 materials and abstracts of conferences of various levels, 15 educational-methodological and reference bibliographic publications, three articles in the Encyclopedia of Lviv University.
Co-author of 25 scientific reports on state budget and economic-contractual topics (basic and applied research).
During 1992–2011 – the Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Council of the Faculty of Geology D 35.051.04 for the defence of PhD and doctoral dissertations.
From 1999 to present – Executive Secretary of the “Mineralogical Review”.
Scientific Secretary of the Lviv Branch of the Ukrainian Mineralogical Society.
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