Наукові інтереси

ecological geology, hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry, hydrogeological modeling


Voloshyn P., Buchatska H. & Kremin N.  (2021) Engineering geology: educational and methodical manual for laboratory work (for students majoring in 101 – “Ecology” and 103 – “Earth Sciences”). Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. 110 p. (in Ukrainian)

Buchatska, H., Diakiv, V., & Кovalchuk, M. (2015) Geochemistry of fluorine in the hydrogeological system of Chervonohrad mining and industrial region (Western Ukraine) according to the data of experimental and geofiltration modeling. Modern Science Moderní věda, 4, 150-166. (in English)

Buchatska, H. M. (2002). Hydrogeological conditions and hydrogeochemical zonation of the Lviv-Volyn coal basin. VLU. Geological Series, 16, 144-154. (in Ukrainian)

Buchatska, H. M. (2009). Hydrogeological conditions and hydrogeochemical zoning of Lviv-Volyn Coal Basin. Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetu. Series Geology, (23), 175-183.

More publications here:  https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=2p0FyesAAAAJ&hl=uk&oi=sra


In 1995, Hanna Buchatska graduated with honors from Lviv Pedagogical College with a degree in preschool education.

In 2000 she graduated with honors from Ivan Franko National University of Lviv with a degree in environmental geology.

2000-2003 – postgraduate studies.

From 2003 to August 25, 2015 she worked as an assistant at the Department of Environmental and Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology.

Since September 16, 2015 – Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department.

Since 2019, he has been affiliated as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Environmental and Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology part-time

Методичні матеріали


Engineering geology

Fundamentals of hydrogeology and engineering geology

Methods of ecological and geological research

Basics of excursion activities

Fundamentals of management in ecotourism and geomarketing


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